
Live cam at work
Live cam at work

live cam at work

Then download the png and add it to the whitelabel.

live cam at work

Select something similar to what you like, edit the text. Before you think you need to go and pay a graphic designer, head over to Canva and get yourself a free 30 day trial (just remember to cancel it if you don’t use it for anything else). Your logo can be important as you want it to be, when you are setting this site up, it can be important for credibility. Name the website, whatever you want, generally speaking you want to name it along the same lines as the. In this page you can then select a colour preset, white & blue is the standard Chaturbate Colours. On this page you want to press the button which is highlighted in blue. Once this is done, head to the White Labels link on this page. Activate your affiliate account with them. Once you head over to this link (same as above) you will need to register an account with Chaturbate.

live cam at work

You Can Watch it above or by clicking “our Youtube” up top. If you want a video version step by step with full details on how to Start Your Own Adult Cam Site. Then you can follow the quick steps below. This will take around 30 minutes to setup and then never need to be touched again. You will set this up by going to this link and then following the steps below. This will cost you only around $8 per year. You just send people to your new cam site and optionally, but preferably, add a custom domain name. The beauty is they have the Models/Broadcasters, they do all of the work, hosting and everything. This allows you have your own Live Cam Site, that you can send traffic too to earn money. It’s really easy, you can setup your own White Label version of Chaturbate which works off their system.

Live cam at work